book your HOLISTIC


The purpose of the healing/coaching session is to provide a holistic energetic approach to help you heal the issue you wish to address:

~ give you clarity on the underlying causes of your suffering

~ inform you of what you need to address to heal these causes

~ take you through a holistic healing process to clear the issue

~ provide steps for you to move forward from the healing.

~ the healing can include energetic bodywork (still possible by remote healing) to help clear blocked bodily energies so you can embody your soul essence .

Paul will connect to your energy and give a holistic interpretation of your symptoms and why they were created.

You will get clarity on the lessons you need to learn to help you heal from the underlying causes of your symptoms.

At the end of the session, Paul will give you home-play exercises to help you integrate the changes you need to make in your life to complete the healing.

Likely outcomes from the healing are:

~ you have a clearer mind

~ you feel lighter &

~ more grounded & connected.

In booking the session, you agree to take full responsibility for the outcomes from the session as Paul can only guide you to how you can heal yourself.

BONUS if you book a healing session by Monday 15th April you receive a free copy of my e-book NO MORE PEOPLE PLEASING.

Sessions can be live or on Zoom.

Cost of sessions are $250 full price or $150 for people on social welfare payments (proof of welfare support required).

After booking the session, Paul will send you payment details so you can pay by direct debit (if you live in Australia) or pay by PayPal (if you live outside of Australia) before the session.

Special Offer closes midnight Monday 15th April ~ session is booked by this time, session can be anytime.


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